Do either you or Noah have writing on the subject of declining fertility? 1) the subject of the economic/cultural effects of a generation of 2-kid vs. 3-kid families is underexplored 2) it directly bears on Noah’s speculative theory here: if you had 3 siblings (much less 6) that suburban nest egg house does much, much less for you financially and you have to seek financial salvation elsewhere.
I'm not sure if Noah has written on the topic yet, but it's definitely something I'd like to write about in the future. Not only does fertility bear on the question of inheritance, I imagine that there is also a significant amount of downward pressure on fertility rates from constraints on available land for housing. People are much less likely to have children when they are up to their ears in rent and have no prospects of being able to afford a place of their own.
Do either you or Noah have writing on the subject of declining fertility? 1) the subject of the economic/cultural effects of a generation of 2-kid vs. 3-kid families is underexplored 2) it directly bears on Noah’s speculative theory here: if you had 3 siblings (much less 6) that suburban nest egg house does much, much less for you financially and you have to seek financial salvation elsewhere.
I'm not sure if Noah has written on the topic yet, but it's definitely something I'd like to write about in the future. Not only does fertility bear on the question of inheritance, I imagine that there is also a significant amount of downward pressure on fertility rates from constraints on available land for housing. People are much less likely to have children when they are up to their ears in rent and have no prospects of being able to afford a place of their own.